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Managing Nonstandard Work Schedules Is As Easy As These 3 Steps

Previously, we discussed the impact of nonstandard work schedules on organisations and employees. The result has shown that the negatives outweigh the positives e.g. worsening health and greater personal conflicts. Nonetheless, nonstandard work schedules can be improved and even be advantageous to organisations. In this article, we will list the 3 steps organisations can take to maximise the potential of nonstandard work schedules.

1. Study which type of schedule fit the needs of your organisation

Planning is very important when it comes to deciding which type of schedule can work for your organisation. Firstly, there are a variety of nonstandard work schedules, such as part-time contracts, temporary contracts, flexi-time contracts and compressed workweek. Employers will need to assess which type of schedule is still able to achieve their goals and objectives. This may entail redesigning job roles and responsibilities to fit the schedule. Which is why introducing nonstandard work schedules on a pilot basis will provide a safe avenue for organisations to see what works and what does not. At this stage, it is also crucial to involve employees in the discussion so that the work schedules can effectively meet their needs.

2. Ensure that there is strong and constant communication

Research has indicated that nonstandard workers may have weaker working relations with their colleagues and feel less connected to their organisation. This is because most of them come in at different hours, or may even be commuting remotely. Weak office relations may lead to lower employee engagement and that may affect the turnover rate. To combat this, employers should communicate their expectations clearly and open a two-way communication channel. That way, employees will know that their organisation supports them and they can work together to resolve issues. Encouraging good interpersonal relations among colleagues will help nonstandard workers feel more invested in their company as well. Having strong communication will also build trust in the employees and that is a key element in ensuring that nonstandard work schedules are successful.

3. Develop an effective monitoring system

Organisations will need to develop an effective monitoring system so that they can evaluate the success of nonstandard work schedules. They can choose to measure quantitative or qualitative results. Quantitative results can be output production and client feedback while qualitative results can be worker productivity and engagement. The key thing to note is that clear targets and objectives need to be set so that the monitoring system can work. In this case, there may be a need to train managers so that they can effectively monitor nonstandard work schedules. To conclude, performance metrics will identify problem areas and also allow employers to understand how successful nonstandard work schedules will be in their organisation.

Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves. - Dale Carnegie


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