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Action Verbs for Resumes


Achieved, Designed, Elected to, Established, Executed, Expanded, Generated, Handled, Implemented, Improved, Optimized, Pioneered, Reduced (losses), Resolved, Restored, Transformed

Administrative Skills:

Administered, Coordinated, Designed, Established, Evaluated, Interpreted, Interviewed, Managed, Mediated, Negotiated, Organized, Oversaw, Prepared, Planned, Purchased, Supervised

Communication Skills:

Addressed, Advertised, Arbitrated, Arranged, Articulated, Attended, Authored, Collaborated, Committed, Convinced, Corresponded, Demonstrated, Described, Developed, Directed, Discussed, Diverted, Drafted, Drew, Edited, Elicited, Empathized, Enlisted, Entertained, Expressed, Facilitated, Formulated, Handled, Harmonized, Influenced, Informed, Inquired, Interacted, Interpreted, Interviewed, Invited, Justified, Lectured, Listened, Manipulated, Marketed, Mediated, Moderated, Motivated, Negotiated, Networked, Perceived, Persuaded, Presented, Promoted, Proposed, Publicized, Rated, Recommended, Reconciled, Recruited, Reported, Represented, Settled, Showed, Signaled, Solicited, Specified, Spoke, Telephoned, Testified, Translated, Wrote

Counseling/Helping Skills:

Accompanied, Adopted, Advocated, Affected, Aided, Assessed, Assisted, Assumed, Clarified, Coached, Collaborated, Combined, Counseled, Demonstrated, Devoted, Diagnosed, Educated, Enlarged, Ensured, Executed, Expanded, Expedited, Facilitated, Familiarized, Fortified, Guided, Increased, Involved, Maintained, Modified, Motivated, Offered, Participated, Protected, Provided, Reduced, Referred, Rehabilitated, Reinforced, Represented, Retained, Reviewed, Revised, Sampled, Served, Shared, Suggested, Supplied

Creative Skills:

Acted, Anticipated, Appeared, Conceptualized, Created, Customized, Decorated, Designed, Developed, Directed, Displayed, Drew, Edited, Entertained, Established, Fashioned, Filmed, Founded, Illustrated, Initiated, Innovated, Instituted, Integrated, Introduced, Invented, Originated, Performed, Planned, Revitalized

Financial Skills:

Administered, Allocated, Analyzed, Appraised, Assessed, Audited, Balanced, Bargained, Bought, Budgeted, Calculated, Computed, Developed, Exchanged, Forecasted, Insured, Managed, Marketed, Planned, Prepared, Procured, Purchased, Researched, Sold


Approved, Arranged, Catalogued, Charted, Classified, Collected, Compiled, Delivered, Dispatched, Distributed, Drafted, Edited, Executed, Filed, Generated, Hosted, Implemented, Inspected, Memorized, Monitored, Operated, Organized,

Outlined, Prepared, Processed, Purchased, Recorded, Registered, Relayed, Reorganized, Reproduced, Retrieved, Scanned, Screened, Separated, Simplified, Specified, Systematized, Tabulated, Transferred, Updated

Management Skills:

Administered, Allotted, Analyzed, Assigned, Attained, Broadened, Called for, Chaired, Changed, Consolidated, Contacted, Contracted, Coordinated, Decided, Defined, Delegated, Developed, Devised, Directed, Eliminated, Enforced, Established, Evaluated, Executed, Focused, Handled, Headed, Hired, Implemented, Improved, Incorporated, Increased, Instituted, Integrated, Judged, Led, Managed, Mediated, Mobilized, Motivated, Organized, Overhauled, Oversaw, Planned, Prioritized, Produced, Provided, Recommended, Regulated, Resolved, Restored, Reviewed, Scheduled, Screened, Scrutinized, Selected, Shaped, Solved, Sought, Specialized, Strengthened, Structured, Supervised, Terminated, Verified

Organizational Skills:

Analyzed, Applied, Approved, Arranged, Catalogued, Classified, Collected, Compiled, Coordinated, Dispatched, Developed, Expedited, Facilitated, Generated, Handled, Implemented, Initiated, Inspected, Monitored, Organized, Planned, Prepared, Processed, Purchased, Recorded, Retrieved, Screened, Specified, Systematized, Tabulated, Validated

Research Skills:

Analyzed, Applied, Checked, Cited, Clarified, Collected, Compared, Critiqued, Deducted, Determined, Diagnosed, Discovered, Dissected, Estimated, Evaluated, Examined, Explored, Extracted, Forecasted, Formulated, Found, Gathered, Graphed, Identified, Inspected, Interpreted, Interviewed, Investigated, Isolated, Located, Observed, Predicted, Read, Researched, Reviewed, Studied, Summarized, Surveyed, Systematized

Technical Skills:

Adjusted, Advanced, Altered, Amplified, Assembled, Built, Calculated, Computed, Designed, Devised, Developed, Engineered, Excavated, Extrapolated, Fabricated, Installed, Interpreted, Maintained, Mapped, Measured, Mediated, Moderated, Motivated, Negotiated, Obtained, Operated, Overhauled, Persuaded, Plotted, Produced, Programmed, Promoted, Publicized, Reconciled, Recruited, Remodeled, Renovated, Repaired, Restored, Rotated, Solved, Synthesized, Translated, Upgraded, Wrote

Time Management Skills:

Administered, Consolidated, Developed, Directed, Generated, Improved, Increased, Initiated, Promoted, Reduced

Training Skills:

Adapted, Advised, Clarified, Coached, Communicated, Coordinated, Developed, Enabled, Encouraged, Evaluated, Explained, Facilitated, Guided, Informed, Initiated, Instructed, Motivated, Persuaded, Presented, Stimulated

Type of Experience:

Broad, Complete, Comprehensive, Consistent, Diversified, Extensive, Intensive, Scope, Solid, Specific, Successful, Varied



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